.NET Developer working out of my basement, helping developers to move into the cloud.
When I started working with AWS a little over 8 years ago, one of the first things I did was set up a simple web server. Being a "Windows Guy," I...
It's hard to imagine the year is nearly half over, and this is the first Blog post I have written. As someone who works in technology, you can imagine...
I am often in a situation where I am helping customers to move applications from a data center to AWS. Many of these applications have been developed...
The lead-up to re:Invent is always filled with new releases for products, services, and enhancements. This year is no different. This year one of the...
Last week I had scheduled Hour of Code with my local middle school. Hour of Code is a lot of work to organize yearly, but it is a labor of love. The...
It's been a while since my last blog post. (Even longer, since I wrote this blog post months ago!) Real life got in the way, and I have been 100%...